Cellino Not Dishonest | Leeds United.
Posted on April 7, 2014 by Jeremy Barnett
The Appeal has just been handed down by the Professional Conduct Committee in the appeal against the Football League finding dated 24 March 2014, that Mr Cellino is disqualified from acting as a director of a League club. This is a complex decision that deals with the problems that have arisen as the ‘conviction’ relied upon from Italy is a minor offence of dishonesty that would not have had a similar result in Italy.√جª¬ø
The conclusion of the Chairman is that the the conviction was not for a “Dishonest Act” as defined in the FL regulations i.e. for “any act which would reasonably be considered to be dishonest” and so the appeal was allowed and Mr Cellio does not fail the Owners and Directors Test [The OAD test].
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Read MoreCellino insider; ‘blood on the carpet soon’
Posted on April 7, 2014 by Jeremy Barnett
The Daily Mail has reported a Cellino ‘insider’ saying that there will be blood on the carpet soon’ over the relationship between his family sports company ‘ ‘ and GFH and their related investors who still own 25% of Leeds United.
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