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About Me

The Bar is changing with the modern world. Barristers used to be seen as formal, expensive and above all distant, lawyers who could appear in the rarefied atmosphere of highest courts in the land , often wearing wigs, gowns, stuffed shirts and stiff collars.

Nowadays, ordinary people find that have legal issues that often do not end up in court. Long expensive trials are the thing of the past in both criminal and civil courts. Often cases go to tribunals, professional bodies, or are dealt with by mediation or arbitration, as people find that the old fashioned methods of resolving disputes are no longer relevant or necessary.

The Bar is going about a transformation. Rather than looking backwards at a world that has moved on, the modern barrister has to be approachable, able to deal often very complex or serious cases using current IT and above all interested in new and emerging areas where people need high quality legal advice.

Jeremy is a fraud barrister who began representing companies ( large and small) and individuals in Regulatory and Disciplinary cases approximately 15 years ago. He specialises in Product Safety cases (Toys, Baby Products, Electrical Goods such as GHD and Segway) and representing Solicitors, Accountants, Doctors, and other professionals who appear before their regulatory bodies.

As a regulatory lawyer, he has become a specialist in the new areas of environmental law: Carbon Law, Energy Saving technology and Biofuels. He has also been involved in international academic research into virtual hearings for mediation, arbitration and ODR ( online dispute resolution) and is a regular visitor to China, where a number of his clients are based.

The recent relaxation in the rules allows Jeremy to advise clients on a regularly on a ‘direct access basis’. Often he will see the client and recommend that a solicitor is instructed or perhaps another barrister should act, but this way many clients are seeing that they can have high quality legal advice for less than they would be charged by a ‘City firm’.

Jeremy Barnett instructed as independent general counsel

Jeremy Barnett is a practicing barrister, who has represented a number of clients where he has been ‘instructed as independent general counsel’, which is a role that has previously…

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Direct Access Barrister

Members of the public may now go directly to a barrister without having to involve an instructing solicitor or other intermediary. In the past, clients could only come to the Bar for advice through…

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