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China Health and Safety issues

  Construction The exposure in the back streets of Zhengzhou of a 'stretching factory' that is involved in 'steel thinning' has called into question the safety of a number of China's new buildings. The process involves stretching of steel enfo...

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Hangzhou Electric Taxi fire

Hangzhou Electric Taxi fire

Chinese newspapers have reported a serious unexplained spontaneous explosion by one of the new electric vehicles in current use in Hangzhou, China.  No one was hurt in the fire, but officials have acted to suspend the use of the fleet of 30 Zo...

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High level UK delegation discuss energy storage with Chinese Acadmemy of Sciences

High level UK delegation discuss energy storage with Chinese Acadmemy of Sciences

The Royal Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences held their second joint workshop of the year on The Future of Energy Storage Technologies and Policy at the Institute of Process Engineering in Beijing on 25-26 May. Fol...

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Major Shale Oil deal for Chinese firm

Major Shale Oil deal for Chinese firm


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Presentation to the 2nd Sino British Workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technologies and Policy

The seminar follows a visit by the delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a joint workshop exploring the science, engineering and national policy requirements for developing and implementing energy storage technology. The Chinese deleg...

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Volt EV test fire and result of Hagzhou EV battery explosion

Volt EV test fire and result of Hagzhou EV battery explosion

The car that caught fire was tested on May 12 using a side impact test intended to replicate crashing into a telegraph pole or a tree. Three weeks later, while the car was parked at the test facility, it caught fire and damaged a number of other ca...

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Segway used in Tiananmen Square

Tiananmn Square is the largest square in the world, completed in 1958 by Chairman Mao Zedong with a capacity of 50,000 people. It is reported that over 100,000 gathered in the saywe folloing the death of former CPC General Secretary Hu Yaobang. The...

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The Future of Energy Storage: technologies and policy

The Future of Energy Storage: technologies and policy

 The development of EST was seen as a serious option for managing the intermittency of low carbon generation technologies. It could also bring enhanced benefits to electricity networks by: Alleviation of transmission and distribution ...

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