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Volt EV test fire and result of Hagzhou EV battery explosion

Volt EV test fire and result of Hagzhou EV battery explosion

A Chevrolet Volt that caught fire three weeks after it ‘s li-ion battery was damaged in a crash test has caused American regulators to review safety protocols for electric car batteries. The fire comes after the findings of the Hangzhou EV taxi fire investigation. Reports are now being made of fires in other vehicles including Minis.

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Renault Senics burst into flames

Renault Senics burst into flames

The Mail yesterday reported that a family escaped from a burning Renault Senic that burst into flames in the middle lane of the M42. This is the second report of such an incident within 6 days.

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New China Electric Vehicle Battery Fire

New China Electric Vehicle Battery Fire

China Daily has today reported another serious incident concerning an accident involving  an electric taxi. It appears that a high speed collison occurred in Shenzhen when a BYDe6 taxi caught fire after it was hit from behind by a sports car travelling at a reported speed of 180 kilometers per hour.√جª¬ø

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BYD investigation clears exploding battery

BYD investigation clears exploding battery

Investigators from the Shenzen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection held a press conference on 3.8.12 to release their findings into the explosion following the crash on 26.5.12. It was caused by a sports car travelling at 242 km per hour and collided with the e6 taxi that was travelling at 81 km per hour in the same direction.

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Hangzhou Electric Taxi fire

Hangzhou Electric Taxi fire

Recent explosion of new electric taxi in Hanzhou China, 11th April 2011

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