The importance of MRV [Measuring Reporting Verification] in climate change
Posted on April 7, 2014 by Jeremy Barnett
Under the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol, monitoring reporting and review is fairly well developed for Annex 1 countries who have an obligation to report annually on inventories of GHG emissions. In contrast, non Annex 1 Countries report on a more irregular basis, thus the international community has currently has no official ‘snapshot’ of either global GHG emissions, or of actions being undertaken to mitigate climate change.
The Bali Action Plan refers to ‘measurable reportable and verifiable [MRV] as an important part of the international process intended to deliver concrete national actions to address climate change. MRV is required both on a macro level for GHG inventories and a micro level for programmes and projects within trading schemes.
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Read MoreBack from the brink of climate change chaos | Climate change lawyer
Posted on January 1, 2015 by Jeremy Barnett
The UNFCCCclaim Lima as a success story on the road towards global agreement on climate change next year in Paris, but Lord Stern takes a different view, saying that disaster was just avoided and that the much heralded Green Climate Fund is nothing more than ‘a distraction’.√جª¬ø
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