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The circular economy – ‘closed loop’ or ‘cradle to cradle’

The circular economy – ‘closed loop’ or ‘cradle to cradle’

The term ‘circular economy’ covers a number of different ideas and beliefs, from ‘the closed loop’, ‘cradle to cradle’ or ‘design to disassemble’. Which ever definition is used, there are a number of ‘core principles’ in design that underpin the theory. 

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Low Carbon, the circular economy

Low Carbon, the circular economy

Jeremy Barnett moderates at the Centre for Low Carbon Futures, York University 6th October

How can we respond to the twin challenges of increasing limited global resources and rising demand for fossil fuel based products?  The traditional linear approach to product and system design – make, use and dump – is no longer sustainable.  Full cycle whole-system thinking provides an alternative option, and for early movers, embraces sustainability for competitive advantage.

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Balancing the load. A look at the prospects of UK V2G

The UK represents one of the most open energy marketplaces in the world and therefore offers an opportunity for reliable financial modelling.

In a recent report by the National Grid and Ricardo, the future of plug in hybrid and electric vehicles is considered as a long term solution to the problems of the high cost of energy storage and decarbonising grid power supplies, by connecting variable sources of power such as wind and wave to the grid.


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German upper house rejected Carbon Capture Law

German upper house rejected Carbon Capture Law

Germany’s upper house of parliament has recently rejected a controversial law on carbon capture and storage technology [CCS]. Although CCS is seen as one of the main methods of reducing greenhouse emissions, critics argue that it is too risky. √جª¬ø

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Health and Safety of paramount importance to the offshore wind industry.

The Royal Acadaemy of Engineers has published the report which is the summary of proceedings held in March 2011 attended by  representatives of government, industry and other organisations, with the help of Orbis Energy. A key finding is that Health and Safety is of parmount importance to the development of the industry.

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High level UK delegation discuss energy storage with Chinese Acadmemy of Sciences

High level UK delegation discuss energy storage with Chinese Acadmemy of Sciences

The Royal Adacemy of Engineering have now produced a web page that contains full information about the UK delegation visit to Bejing in May 2011. All of the presentations are avaialble.

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