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SRA Right to Intervene | SRA Lawyer

SRA Right to Intervene | SRA Lawyer

Jeremy Barnett recently appeared In a rare High Court appeal against an intervention order that had been imposed by an SRA Adjudication Panel.

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Magistrates decline to follow draft guidelies | Food Safety Lawer

York Magistrates declined to follow the new draft sentencing guidelines for Food Safety in dealing with one summons for failing to keep a factory clean and maintained in good condition. 

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High Court reduces SDT Suspension Order | SRA Lawyer

Mr Justice Mostyn has recently reduced a 2 year suspension order for a solicitor who fell short of the required standards of integrity, probity an trustworthiness, but fell short of dishonesty.

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Abattoir fined in Food Safety Week | Food Safety Lawyer

Abattoir fined in Food Safety Week | Food Safety Lawyer

This week is food safety week ( May  18 – 24) as the Food Standards Agency focus on reducing the number of food poisoning cases from campylobacter. It coincides with the recent prosecution of a Turkey Abattoir from Braintree, Essex, who were fined for killing birds without a vet present

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BBC calls for costume law change may be premature

BBC calls for costume law change may be premature

Watchdog this evening will launch a campaign to tighten up the laws relating to the sale of children’s costumes, following a catastrophic injury to Claudia Winkleman’s eight year old daughter who was burned whilst wearing a witches costume which brushed past a candle at a Halloween party last year.

Calls to change the law to ‘close a loophole’ may be premature.√جª¬ø

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