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Product Safety Recalls Update| Trading Standards Lawyer

Product Safety Recalls Update| Trading Standards Lawyer

The Office for Public Safety and Standards ( OPSS) is the national regulator for all consumer products apart from vehicles, medicine and food. As well as hallmarking and standards work, the OPSS is the lead enforcement agency for a range of goods b...

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OFGEN turns up the heat

OFGEN turns up the heat


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Back from the brink of climate change chaos | Climate change lawyer

Back from the brink of climate change chaos | Climate change lawyer

√جª¬øThe UNFCC announced  that a new 2015 agreement on climate change, that will harness action by all nations, took a further important step forward in Lima following two weeks of negotiations by over 190 countries.√جª¬ø...

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Electricity Network under strain ¦ Climate Change Lawyer

Electricity Network under strain ¦ Climate Change Lawyer


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FoodLoop: Europes first IoT commercial platform?

FoodLoop: Europes first IoT commercial platform?

The FI-PPP [Future Internet Public Private Partnerhip] is now in its 4th year. This is a major initiative funded by the European Commission to fight back against American and Far Eastern domination of the new Internet of Things [IoT] market that is...

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Parliament goes for Circular Economy | Climate change lawyer

Parliament goes for Circular Economy | Climate change lawyer

A summary of the recommendations is as follows:     9.  The Government should introduce differential VAT rates based on life-cycle analysis of the environmental impact or recycled content of products, and tax allowances for busi...

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The new language of Climate Change | Climate Change Lawyer

The new language of Climate Change | Climate Change Lawyer

Jeremy was a keynote speaker at the Energy and Environment Expo Academy, held at Exel in June 2014. Click Here to download the powerpoint presentation.  ...

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Jeremy Barnett Climate Change Talk I Energy Environment Expo

Jeremy Barnett Climate Change Talk I Energy Environment Expo

Jeremy leads the Gough Square Chambers Climate Change group and is introducing the business opportunities that surround the regulatory frameworks for deforrestation known as REDD +. He will deal with MRV - Measurement Reporting and Verification as ...

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Sustainability Lawyers Lead Role As Companies go Green

Sustainability Lawyers Lead Role As Companies go Green

Lawyers blossom as companies go green√جª¬ø Sunday Times 11.5.2014. Stiffer regulation is creating a bigger role for legal advisers Carly Chynoweth Published: 11 May 2014√جª¬ø Sustainability is changing everything and that’s ce...

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Britain’s first CCS project goes live at Ferrybridge

Britain’s first CCS project goes live at Ferrybridge

The project is the first of it's size to be integrated into a live power plant in the UK. It aims to capture 100 tones of carbon dioxide per day from the equivalent 5 megawatts of coal fired generating capacity. This project aims to bridge the gap ...

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