New Carbon Trust Waste Standard

The Carbon Trust Waste Standard has now been launched after a pilot phase where a number of early adopters have already demonstrated compliance.
The standard is internationally recognised, and is awarded to organisations that measure, manage and reduce their waste output, year on year.
Preventing, reusing or recycling waste rather than depositing it to landfill, reduces emissions and resource consumption. Recycling 1 tonne of paper saves approximately 17 trees and 50% of the water needed for production.
- Landfill from commercial & industrial waste generates 2.3 MtCO2e annually
- It’s estimated that 11.2 billion tonnes of solid waste is collected each year across the globe
- The decay of the organic parts of this waste contributes ~5% of all greenhouse gas emissions
- In the UK alone the waste sector is responsible for 17 MtCO2e per annum
Preventing, reusing or recycling waste rather than deposting it to landfill, reduces emissions and resource consumption. Reycyling 1 tonne of paper saves approximately 17 trees and 50% of the water needed for production.

Originally posted 2013-11-07 00:00:00.