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Product Safety Recalls Update| Trading Standards Lawyer

Product Safety Recalls Update| Trading Standards Lawyer

The Office for Public Safety and Standards ( OPSS) is the national regulator for all consumer products apart from vehicles, medicine and food. As well as hallmarking and standards work, the OPSS is the lead enforcement agency for a range of goods b...

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Britain’s first CCS project goes live at Ferrybridge

Britain’s first CCS project goes live at Ferrybridge

The project is the first of it's size to be integrated into a live power plant in the UK. It aims to capture 100 tones of carbon dioxide per day from the equivalent 5 megawatts of coal fired generating capacity. This project aims to bridge the gap ...

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China Health and Safety issues

  Construction The exposure in the back streets of Zhengzhou of a 'stretching factory' that is involved in 'steel thinning' has called into question the safety of a number of China's new buildings. The process involves stretching of steel enfo...

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Firms face unlimited fines over Crewe chemical fire

  By Ellie Cullen   Crewe-based Greenway Environmental Ltd and Preston-based Pakawaste Ltd appeared at Chester Crown Court on Monday after being prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive. Greenway admitted putting employe...

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Fracking protestors trial at Preston Mags

Fracking protestors trial at Preston Mags

  Charges that the three face include aggravated trespass, assaulting a security guard and obstructing a person engaged in a lawful activity. The defendants were protesting at the site operated by Cuadrilla that was given a licence in 2008 to ...

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G Wiz fatal accident inquest verdict

G Wiz fatal accident inquest verdict

The inquest heard how Mrs Nadal was involved in an accident with another vehicle, a Skoda Octavia when she was driving to school for an evening meeting. The inquest heard how she had been on her mobile phone seconds before the accident and was not ...

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German upper house rejected Carbon Capture Law

German upper house rejected Carbon Capture Law

The German upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat, has struck down a law for testing carbon capture and storage CCS technology following strong resistance from a number of polititicans. The test was intented to test technology until 2017, but the...

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Hangzhou Electric Taxi fire

Hangzhou Electric Taxi fire

Chinese newspapers have reported a serious unexplained spontaneous explosion by one of the new electric vehicles in current use in Hangzhou, China.  No one was hurt in the fire, but officials have acted to suspend the use of the fleet of 30 Zo...

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Health and Safety of paramount importance to the offshore wind industry.

The Royal Academy of Engineers has published thier report, Making green growth real: UK offshore wind supply chain, with a foreward by Lord Browne of Madingley, President of the RAE. In his forward Lord Browne says that the UK faces a mammoth task ...

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Health and safety partly responsible for riots says Cameron

Speaking at a youth centre today, David Cameron said that the government is going to review its work in root causes including schools, welfare, families and health and safety. He announced a reivew of the 'health and safety culture'. It is not clea...

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