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1st Tier Tribunal overturns VAT Dishonesty Finding | Regulatory Lawer

1st Tier Tribunal overturns VAT Dishonesty Finding | Regulatory Lawer


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SRA playing for the headlines? |  SRA Barrister

SRA playing for the headlines? | SRA Barrister

At a recent seminar held at the Law Society on 16th November, Jeremy Barnett reviewed a number of recent SDT decisions and concluded that the SRA have clearly been investigating classes of cases, and called for more transparency as to how some of t...

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High Court confirms test for SRA interventions

High Court confirms test for SRA interventions

Todays decision in Ramasamy v Law Society a decision of HH Judge Beherns, the senior Chancery Judge at Leeds who was sitting in the High Court at London, reaffirms the test for an intervention that was set out by Newey J in Elsdon v Law Society las...

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Abattoir fined in Food Safety Week | Food Safety Lawyer

Abattoir fined in Food Safety Week | Food Safety Lawyer

Last year in the UK, there were 280,000 cases of campylobacter food poisoning and 100 deaths (according to the FSA). Campylobacter poisoning usually develops a few days after eating contaminated food and leads to symptoms that include abdomina...

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SRA Right to Intervene | SRA Lawyer

SRA Right to Intervene | SRA Lawyer

The Law Society Gazette 13th May 2015  reported that the SRA were right to intervene in a case where it was said that the Solicitor had 'lost his ethical compass'. A full report of the decision of Newey J available on the LSG page. The Ju...

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Magistrates decline to follow draft guidelies | Food Safety Lawer

√جª¬øJeremy was recently instructed by Paul Mercer of Village Green Preserves, who had been prosecuted by York Environmental health in respect of two compliance visits to their premises at Millfield Industrial Estate, Whedrake, York in...

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Jeremy Barnett to represent Mr La Roux Fourie


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Mistake on Indemnity form was dishonest

Mistake on Indemnity form was dishonest

In the recent decision of Ijomanta v Solicitors Regulation Authority   2013 WL 6451059, Mr Justice Phil;lips upheld a decision of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal which found that the appellant was guilty of giving false and misleading inf...

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Police ‘frustrated’ after sentence in suspected √Ǭ£1m fraud

Police ‘frustrated’ after sentence in suspected √Ǭ£1m fraud

The Northern Echo today reported that investigating police officers were 'frustrated' following the non custodial sentence imposed at Middlesborough Crown Court yesterday in a credit fraud where the salesmen assisted customers to obtain over £...

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Cellino Not Dishonest | Leeds United.

The full decision of the Chairman, Timothy Kerr QC considers a number of points in argument that were raised by both parties. The final conclusions are: 1. the decision of the Cagliari court dated 18 March 2014 is a “conviction” wi...

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