Jeremy Barnett appointed Visiting Professor at UCL
Jeremy has been appointed Visting Professor of Algorithmic Regulation and Dispute Resolution at the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London.
Together with Professor Philip Treleaven and Dr Adriano Koshiyama, he has authored a paper ‘Algorithms: Law and Regulation’ which is published in the February 2019 edition of the ‘Computer’ IEEE Computer Society , volume 52 .no 2. This follows the publication of ‘Algorithmic Dispute Resolution’ with Professor Treleaven , October 2017 The British Computer Society.
Jeremy is one of the founders of the Construction Blockchain Consortium at the Bartlett, which is one of the leading thought leaders in the disruptive effect of emerging technologies, ie Blockchain, BIM, AI, IoT and big data analysis. He is also a director of Resilience Partners Limited, who specialise in converting data to add value. This is done using emerging technologies to complay with regulation, help avoid (and where necessary) resolve disputes.