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Eco Connect Forum: accelerating green innovation

Green Innovation, Yorkshires Best kept secret?  Cleantech continues to be a growth sector across the UK in a time of recession: currently worth over £120bn with estimated growth rates of 5% pa.  According to research by Green Alliance (‘Nurturing UK Cleantech Enterprise‘), successful innovation could save Britain up to £160 billion in energy supply costs to 2050 and generate UK-based business activity contributing up to £89 billion to GDP over the same period.’√جª¬ø

Our April Event: Accelerating Green Innovation Success

At Walker Morris, 5 pm Tuesday 16th April 


Moderated by Jeremy Barnett the expert panel will provide a lively debate as usual.

Simon Pringle, Head of Sustainability and Cleantech at BDO LLP

Mike Dunn, Iona Capital (Investor) 

Sam Cockerill, CEO Libertine FPE (technology start-up)Dr Tim Foxon, Sustainability Research Institute, and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds

Originally posted 2013-03-23 00:00:00.

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