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High Court uphold Segway conviction

The High Court today uphled Philip Coates’s conviction at the Barnsley Magistrates Court

for using his Segway on the pavement.


Mr Coates said:

‘I am naturally very disappointed having lost my appeal to the High Court today.

I had hoped that the Court would be sympathetic. I had been using my Segway on the pavement before this case for many months without causing any inconvenience to pedestrians or anyone really. I had hoped that I could continue to use this modern and environmentally friendly form of transport for short commuter journeys and now I have been told I cannot.

I of course accept the verdict of the Court. All that I have ever been asking for is equal treatment with cyclists who are allowed to use their bikes on pavements and roads in certain circumstances. I feel there is a need for consistency, having heard of a case only last week in London where a prosecution for using a Segway on the road was withdrawn.

I call upon the Department for Transport to reconsider this issue and bring the UK into line with many countries in the EU, where the use of Segways on the roads and pavements is encouraged.

I am obviously disenheartend but would like to thank my legal team of Victoria Molloy and Jeremy Barnett who have stood by me throughout this lengthy process. I would also like to thank all my friends and supporters, who would also like to be allowed to use their Segways on the roads and pavements’.

Originally posted 2011-07-29 00:00:00.

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