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DeFi for Real Estate: a look at the new Web 3 techologies

In August 2018 in a Telegram chat between Ethereum developers and entrepreneurs the term “DeFi” was coined for the first time referring to Decentralized Finance. Less than two years later, the term became widely popular due to the exponential g...

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brexit barrister

click here to read all about it  ...

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Smart Contracts Understoon

Smart Contracts Understoon

A propert definition of a Smart Contract is a computer program that can automatically execute the terms of a contract. Strictly, it is a computer protocol or algorithm that can self execute, self enforce, self verify and self constrain the per...

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Introduction to Smart Contracts

Introduction to Smart Contracts


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OFGEN turns up the heat

OFGEN turns up the heat


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Eco Connect Forum ‘ Making The Green Deal Work in Yorkshire’

  Andy Deacon, Director of Delivery from the Energy Saving Trust began with an outline of what the Green deal involves.   The starting point is the website at

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EcoConnect launches at Addleshaw Goddard

EcoConnect launches at Addleshaw Goddard

  √جª¬øA ‘question time’ style format was used to provoke a wide ranging and diverse discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of Yorkshire as a national centre for Green innovation. Robert Hokin, Chief Executive at Eco...

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Presentation to the 2nd Sino British Workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technologies and Policy

The seminar follows a visit by the delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a joint workshop exploring the science, engineering and national policy requirements for developing and implementing energy storage technology. The Chinese deleg...

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Ecovelocity review


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Energy Lawyer| Blackouts in the UK

Energy Lawyer| Blackouts in the UK

The Daily Mail today reported that Tube travellers were stuck underground after a power cut hit London. London Underground said that the power failure was having a ‘serious impact’ on the whole of the network. Rail services from major s...

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